Monday, September 29, 2008

Rho What?!!

Rhotacism in a nut shell is a disorder that causes the affected to substitute a non-R sound with some form of an R sound. Some characteristics are:
  • the excessive or idiosyncratic use of the r;
  • conversely, the inability or difficulty in pronouncing r.
  • the conversion of another consonant, e.g., s, into r.
For example, someone who is affected by this phenomenon would say:

Rard instead of Sand

Porridge instead of Pottage

Sur instead of Sun

Rhotacism encompasses 2 major types:

The n>r type which causes words like new to be pronounced as rew

The s>r or s>z>r type which causes words like desire to be pronounced as derire
*This is the most recognized form of Rhotacism

Other alternative types include the t/d > tapped r type which allows pottage to become porridge

Interesting huh?

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