Monday, September 29, 2008

Neat Facts

R sounds are produced differently in males and females.

R sound is a voiceless fricative.

-Females tend to put more energy thrusts into making the sound.
-Males tend to make more "breathy" sounds.

The rhotacism phenomenon occurs in many languages.

-Most of the time, the problem is the same. Constant replacement of consonant sounds with the consonant "r".

A nickname for rhotacism is "baby talk".
This phenomenon causes some words to sound like how a toddler would pronounce them. Ex. "Rock & Roll" Rhotacism ex. "Wok R' Woll

*(see Youtube video at upper right -hand side of page)

The stressed pronunciation of some consonants in words are not affected by rhotacism. Simply meaning that for a word like "Great", the "G would be pronounced.

The "r" sound associated with this impediment actually sounds like a "w". So "great" is actually pronounced "Gwear" in some cases.

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