Monday, September 29, 2008

Who Has It? What causes it?

* I do not condone "hunting Iraqi's" by any means. This blog is only about Rhotacism.

I can name 2 t.v. personalities off the top of my head who definitely suffer/ed from Rhotacism:

~Elmer Fudd- From Looney Tunes

~Barbara Walters
Famed t.v. Reporter

Now, what causes this impediment?

Causes are actually unknown but this impediment commonly stems from speakers of languages that contain a trilled R.

A trilled what? A trilled R- is bascially a rolling R. This R exist in langauges like Spanish, Italian, and Polish. All of these languages have R's that roll.

Ex. Carlito in spanish sounds like "Carrlito"

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